Rise Up: After School Emotional & Social Learning Program

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Rise Up:
After School Emotional & Social Learning Program

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HHH Brings the Program to the Kids at School

RISE UP is an emotional and social learning and trauma-informed out-of-school time program providing elementary school-aged children facing adversity a safe place to share their feelings and learn positive coping skills which lead to increased confidence, improved resilience, and self-efficacy. 

After working with this population for over 12 years, HHH has assembled an experienced team of culturally competent professionals. They understand the ever-changing challenges these youth clients face and how best to meet their social and emotional needs.  Since the pandemic we have noticed not only an increase in the number of individuals who need our services, but also that they have experienced multiple & complex traumas.

Prioritizing emotional safety includes using specific building blocks of programming.  Each session includes a warm welcome, group agreements for a safe environment, a main activity/subject, reflection and closing comments.

Rise Up is an 8-Week Program

The curriculum topics, a staff-training and an HHH field trip are included in the 8 weeks.

Each session addresses one topic and explains the challenges in an age-appropriate, culturally sensitive manner to address the social/emotional competency being taught.

An Empowering Curriculum

Our professional staff and volunteers complete comprehensive and on-going training covering the following topics:

a.)  Emotional needs of COAs (children of addiction).

b.)  Protective and risk factors of COAs.

c.)  Trauma-informed communication.

d.)  Reflective and active listening.

e.)  Experiential education to best meet the needs of the children.

Our Program Narrative

The skills we teach will positively affect each participant.  This program is designed to address the unique needs most important to the individuals in each session. 

Within the context of our program which is designed to increase resilience and protective factors and decrease risk factors, there are specific lessons and messages for at-risk children of parental addiction.

We know that ¼ of the children are in drastic need of life prevention skills that aren’t being taught or modeled in their home due to parental addiction. Other children may require different skills to address their particular issues, which will be identified by the individuals in the early sessions.

The Solution: Prevention

The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) states that 1 out of 4 children under the age of 18 are growing up with one or more parents struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol.  However, until given a save environment, kids are taught not to discuss these issues with outsiders. 

HHH is DCF licensed to address youth with some of the most challenging family situations. Evidence shows that increasing youth protective factors and decreasing the risk factors positively impacts their ability to regulate their emotions and behavior, avoid interaction with the judicial system and create a healthy life for themselves.

NOTE: The Rise Up Program is an education and prevention program and is not mental health therapy.